The Blogger’s Voice

The Blogger’s Voice

Who is Little Sheep? Why the moniker “Little Sheep”?

First, Little Sheep is Melanie, a bookworm from her earliest years. She is a lover of literature and the Bible as well as a curious devotee to learning. In the pursuit of discovery, other interests surfaced all of which contribute to who she is and how she relates to the world. Some of those avenues she explored (in addition to books) are fiber and needle arts, travel, and paper crafting.

But this journey started with a disappointment. During high school, Melanie was selected to be part of a small advanced group of students who participated in a class called “English Seminar.” This was not Melanie’s first choice, but God intervened and started her on the path of writing through an intensive Literature and Writing course with Joseph Natoli.

After 21 years as the Director of Business for The Pacific Coast League, Melanie retired. Before working for the League, she was a homemaker / home schooler, and had worked in the legal profession as a Certified Legal Assistant.

Through continuous exercise of work communications, observing other writers, and attempting to emulate the style of those she admired, Melanie began to develop her own writing style. This manner of writing is continually being refined to reflect her character as well as effectively share with the reader what she is trying to express.

During her college years, Melanie studied Bible and Christian Education at Lancaster Bible College graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree.

While in college, she was required to complete an English Composition class where Melanie discovered she enjoyed writing. Over time she began to establish a regular writing routine which blossomed into a desire to communicate truth of the Bible and science on a broader platform.

One part of that writing practice developed by keeping a journal with daily commentary on Scripture devotional passages as well as recording life activities.

Second, Little Sheep is a reference to Melanie’s relationship to the Great Shepherd of the sheep. She is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ who has saved her from the results of the human sin nature. The Lord Jesus rescued her from slavery to sinning and a future in a literal Hell. In another post, Melanie will share this directional change from death to life in greater detail.

In 2019, Melanie launched this blog to focus on lessons learned, insights gained, and her application of the process in her life. Her posts reflect this process of discovery and the forward and backward steps she has undergone. She hopes to share and encourage others through her study, practice in both success and failure.

Melanie’s desire is to invite you to read the posts and ponder the ideas presented. Your insights are requested to initiate a conversation around the concepts being shared.

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