Connections and Resources

Mark Peiffer Photography

Mark Peiffer grew up with a camera around his neck whenever we traveled on family vacations. His high school aspiration was to be an artist.

Since I am Mark’s older sister, I confess I am slightly biased about his work. But after looking at the examples of photos on the site, I think you will agree with me about the talent he possesses.

After many years of growth in his art, Mark launched his photography website showcasing his exceptional talents. He has developed a tremendous eye for detail and brings to life the subjects of his lens.

Mark will write about his experiences and share his vision of creation and his relationship with Jesus Christ. I highly recommend his website, Mark Peiffer Photography, for quality artwork. Please visit his site and check out his photography.

Books, Bible

Bible Gateway

Logos App – Bible Versions, Commentaries, Maps, etc.

Bible Study

Our Daily Bread University


Olive Tree Ministries

Patterns of Evidence – Archaeology


Answers in Genesis

Behold Israel, Amir Tsarfati

Christian Outlook

The Christian Worldview

Due North

End Times News Mark Hitchcock

Jack Hibbs Podcast

Prophecy Watchers

Revival from the Bible


Berean Bible Church, Pottstown, PA 

Compass Bible Church

Grace to You – John MacArthur


Ark Encounter

Creation Museum

Biblical Tabernacle


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