
Welcome to Little Sheep Ramblings & Ruminations! I’m your host, the little ewe in the field, Melanie. Come enter our pasture, poke about, subscribe, and make recommendations for improvements in your gentle, bleating voice.

This site has been a work-in-progress with a steep learning curve! The Shepherd has had to come rescue me a few times. However, I look forward to getting to know you all through your comments and input.


Why Littlesheep R & R? What is that all about? Who is Littlesheep? Let’s start with the last question: Littlesheep or Ewe is me, Melanie. In the “many” years of life, I have been a reader, many times styled a “bookworm” but in that pursuit, discoveries were made of other interesting topics all of which contribute to who I am and how I relate to the world. Some of those pursuits include family, friends, fiber and needle arts, travel, books and journaling.

During 2019 Frank, my husband of almost 41 years, entered heaven after a long illness. With this forced entrance into a new path, I’ve chosen to launch this blog to focus on lessons I’m learning, gain new insights and clarify for myself the process.

Currently, my day job, Director of Business for The Pacific Coast League, Triple-A Baseball, has kept me active. Over the past 20 seasons Frank and I hosted the PCL umpires in our home; after a time, I became Mom to these young men. What a privilege it has been to greet each man in the Spring, encouraging their best during the season; in the Fall expressing goodbyes to some due to promotion, a few to releases and the majority to return the following year.

As we move along through the next few months, my hope is that I will get to know you, the readers, and you will get to know me a little better.

Baseball is known for the season of hits, runs and outs, but there is another season, meeting season. During the six months between the last pitch and the first green blade of grass, a series of meetings transpire for conducting corporate business. These events fostered opportunities to develop friendships with the leaders of 16 communities located between the Central and Pacific time zones.

Although born and raised in Pennsylvania, my married life has been tied to the Rocky Mountains and particularly Colorado. We put down roots here. Our son was born here, and my husband is buried here. Plus, experiences like snowshoeing on a mountain side, enjoying the vistas and the crisp crunch of the snow, watching a thunderstorm dissipate with the formation of a double rainbow; and the strength of a deeply rooted spruce tree against a mighty gale have made me desire to become a Colorado “native.” However, life in Colorado is more than just events; it’s interacting within the community, making friends and fostering commitment to one another, encouraging each other in the beauty and grace of God which surrounds us here.

Either vicariously (through books), or in person, exploring the US or other countries has been a privilege and huge thrill. Frank and I traveled to many states, as well as to Belize, Canada, Honduras, Ireland, Mexico, and United Kingdom. Our favorite destination was England, particularly, Oxford.

There are a few other members of my immediate family, my son, Jonathan, his dog Tucker, a Golden Lab, Golden “Shedder” and Golden Retriever mix, and my dog Nicke, a black Labradoodle. Each of them may at some point be contributors to this blog.

Who am I?

March 20, 2024

Tricia Lott Williford challenged the Pen and Page conference to write in ten minutes what we would want people to know about ourselves. Below is the gist of what I wrote in that time frame.

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